Darren F Magee
Discussing mental health, relationships and personality.
Darren F Magee
The Dark Tetrad: Psychopathy Unmasked
Psychopaths can be charming and charismatic, often making a strong initial impression. They use their charm to manipulate others and control their partners. They may lie frequently and convincingly, using deception to create a facade that hides their true nature.
Common characteristics include being callous and having a disregard for the safety of others. They can be quite parasitical, impulsive and engage in anti social behaviours.
It can be part of the the Dark Tetrad which consists of narcissism, psychopathy, Machiavelliansim and Sadism. People with these traits often create environments and relationships based on fear, conflict and instability.
This podcast looks at the psychopathy element of the tetrad and how it co occurs with the other traits.
Check out my YouTube channel for more content: https://www.youtube.com/c/DarrenFMagee
#psychopathy #darktetrad