Darren F Magee

Bipolar Disorder - ReWriting the Script with Caz McGovern

Darren F Magee

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Caz McGovern is an award-winning filmmaker and writer based in London, England. Her movie ‘They Don’t Leave’ has been screened at 15 festivals and won the ‘Best Suspense Short’ award at four of them, along with receiving ‘The Big Sky Film Grant’.

Caz also has a diagnosis of Bipolar Type 2. In this podcast we talk about her career and creativity,  ands as you’ll hear from our conversation, how her diagnosis doesn’t define her or hold her back.

You can find Caz and her work at:
Personal Instagram - @cazmcgovernscore
They Don’t Leave’s Instagram - @theydontleave

Watch "They Don't Leave' at:

#bipolar #theydon'tleave #mentalhealthmatters